Welcome to the EMOSys ( Emotion Monitoring Online System ) blog page.
EMOS is an innovative way for correlating a students learning experience with factors within their environment that may effect that experience. This builds on the work of Sylwester (1994) who looked at the metrics of learning and linked them to a state of emotional well being.
This will be achieved by monitoring and recording the student’s current emotional state of engagement. This data will be collected via both qualitative and quantitative questionnaires, designed in house by a current Psychology student, these will be distributed to students who will be invited to complete them on the exit of a taught session. During that same session environmental data, such as temperature and humidity, will have been collected via an artifact created by a Computer science student. This will be utilizing the Arduino electronics prototyping platform and custom coding tool, which is similar to C in its design.
The final aim is to examine the data and investigate weather there is any notable correlation between the environmental factors and conditions within the teaching environment.
Over the coming days and weeks this blog will chart the progress of the project.