DHT11 Connection to the Arduino

After a few initial problems with a test program designed for use with both the DHT11 & DHT22 timing out, I switched to using the standard program / sketch for use with just the DHT11. This includes the header file and CPP required as well as the test sketch.

This worked almost perfectly out of the box so to speak, but for some reason was displaying “” before the degree symbol “°”, possibly due to my windows configuration being set to UK (?) or having to access the symbol using an ALT code. This was resolved at some overhead cost by creating a new const char variable and storing the degree symbol in this.

The sensor seems fairly sensitive, being able to detect the change in temperature and humidity from breathing on the unit and should be sufficient for the main experiment.


DHT11 Connection                 DHT11_Output


DHT Pin 1 – Red Wire – Arduino 5v

DHT Pin 2 – Blue Wire – Arduino Pin 2

DHT Pin 3 – Not Connected

DHT Pin 4 – Black Wire – Arduino GND

Starting the IT artifact


The first stage of the development is to get familiar with the equipment involved and set up the first sensor.

Initially we will be utilizing the Arduino Uno as the basis for the platform with the DHT 11 Temperature and humidity sensor .

The remaining equipment displayed are all standard components, USB lead (connects the Arduino to a PC), breadboard (connecting the sensor) & pin connectors for connecting the breadboard to the Arduino.